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Internet furious over woman’s baggage carousel reel: ‘From metro to airport’

After the uproar caused by the Metro trend reels, the focus seems to have shifted to airports, with a new viral video showing a woman using a conveyor belt in an airport, sparking outrage on social media. “From metro to airport, they have come a long way,” an X user commented on the video.
In the circulated video on X (formerly Twitter), the woman attempted to recline on the baggage carousel at the airport. She briefly rolled on it before returning to a standing position with a Bollywood song as the background music. Shared by a user named ‘desi mojito’ on Friday, the video has garnered nearly three million views.
The video elicited negative responses from numerous social media users, with many remarking that the “virus has reached airports too”.
Hindustan Times could not authenticate the woman’s identity or confirm the name of the airport where the video was filmed.
Several X users reacted strongly to the video, demanding punishment for the woman and emphasising the need for preventive measures “before the trend reaches runways of the airport.”
“Making Reels in trains and metros was common and now this deadly virus has spread to the airports also. Airport Authorities should take preventive measures in advance before it’s too late,” a user said.
Another user suggested a strict approach, saying, “This is one of the most direst part of the airport and she is lying down there, gross.. Fine her, fine her in lakhs. Make an example out of her…”
Expressing disbelief, a user commented, “Wow! So much happiness. She has just achieved the best thing in life.”
“I can’t take this anymore. Why can’t a woman make videos on topics that matter. There are ways to become famous,” wrote a user.
Reels made by two girls in the Delhi Metro and on a moving bike in Noida have invited legal action against them. The Noida Police have filed a First Information Report (FIR) against them, along with imposing a total fine of ₹80,500 on the scooter owner.
In a video, the two girls, identified as Preeti and Vineeta, were seen sitting on the floor of the Delhi Metro and applying Holi colours to each other. The background music in the video is the song “Ang Laga De” from the film “Goliyon Ki Raasleela Ram Leela.” They repeated a similar scenario while sitting on a two-wheeler, facing each other, and applying colours.
